Ann Curry news: Not able to celebrate Matt Lauer's firing

Ann Curry at the 2012 Time 100 galaWikimedia Commons/David Shankbone

Former "Today" anchor Ann Curry recently appeared on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert," wherein she was asked by the talk show host about her thoughts and feelings regarding Matt Lauer's firing after being accused of sexual harassment in the workplace. Although Curry was hesitant to share her feelings at first, she admitted that her faith and religion are the main reasons as to why she did not choose to be spiteful after receiving the news. 

During the interview that took place last Monday, Jan. 22, Curry was subtly asked by Colbert on whether she was pleased to hear the news of Lauer's firing from the NBC News back in November, and even stated that "it is no secret" that Lauer was heavily responsible as to why Curry lost her job as an anchor back in 2012.

Colbert even brought up that after the news of Lauer's firing went out in public, Twitter netizens speculated as to how Curry might be celebrating the occurrence. 

At first, there was some confusion, and the talk show host asked Curry if she had a non-disclosure agreement, to which she responded that she can discuss some things, but has no intention of harming anybody. However, she iterated that she was raised to become a Catholic by Buddhists, and stated that she holds a lot of regard for the values of both faiths.

Moreover, Curry is concerned with the concept of karma, which is why she decided not to think about the situation. Basically, Curry stated that she did not allow herself to make a celebration out of Lauer's exit, and even stated that despite what had happened to him, a lot of people got hurt in the process. 

Lauer's termination was caused by an accusation made by one of his fellow workmates, alleging that he had committed inappropriate sexual advances.