Josh Duggar's wife Anna all smiles at night out with Cousin Amy at fundraiser

Amy Duggar King and Anna DuggarInstagram/ amyrachelleking

Anna Duggar spent some time with her in-laws as they attended a fundraising event for the conservative family-planning organization Loving Choices on Friday, Oct. 31. With her were Amy Duggar and her husband Dillon King, Ben and Jessa Seewald, and Michelle Duggar.

Amy took to Instagram to post a picture of her and Anna, and in the photo, both of them are wearing printed blouses and smiling for the camera. Amy captioned it, "Any negative comments will be deleted, just try me. She's beautiful!"

Amy's followers agreed with her, saying that Anna is indeed beautiful and many said that they were praying for her family.

"My heart goes out to her! She does not deserve what has happened to her," one fan commented.

Anna has been keeping a low profile since husband Josh's cheating scandal came to light this August. It was revealed that Josh has an Ashley Madison profile, and in his statement he admitted to cheating on his wife. Since then, Josh is said to have voluntarily entered a long-term treatment center while Anna has been taking care of their four children.

Speaking to Entertainment Tonight, Amy said that Anna was talking to a lot of people at the event and that she had a lot of fun at the fundraiser for Loving Choices, which provides health services, except abortion and contraceptives.

Amy said that she and Anna go to the fundraiser every year and that most of the older Duggar family members make it a point to attend.

"Aunt Michelle was there, Jessa and Ben were there, my mom, Dillon, a lot of the family was there," she said.

Of their Instagram picture, Amy said, "I think the picture I posted shows how strong Anna truly is, she's smiling, and has a lot of love around her."

Lately, reports have claimed that Jim Bob has been pressuring Anna to stay with Josh, but a source in the Duggar family told ET that these reports are the first that they have heard of the matter.

"Anna is strong and will continue to follow the Lord," the source said.