Anne Dyer becomes new vice-president of CPAS

The Rev Canon Anne Dyer, warden of Cranmer Hall at St John’s College, Durham, has become a vice-president of CPAS, the Anglican evangelical mission agency.

Canon Dyer accepted an invitation by the CPAS trustees to become the first female vice-president in the 174-year history of CPAS. Following her ordination in 1994, Anne held parish, chaplaincy and diocesan roles in Rochester Diocese before joining Cranmer Hall.

Her association with CPAS began on a You and Ministry weekend in 1984 as she considered her sense of vocation, and she followed this by ministering in a CPAS patronage church and serving with her husband Roger on the leadership team of a CYFA Venture holiday.

John Dunnett, CPAS general director, said: "We are delighted to welcome Anne to CPAS, as we seek to develop ways of equipping lay and ordained leaders for mission in local churches across
the country.

"Her appointment is particularly notable as we are pleased to have Anne as the first female vice-president of CPAS."

She joins the four other CPAS vice-presidents, the Rt Rev Wallace Benn (Bishop of Lewes), the Rt Rev Peter Broadbent (Bishop of Willesden), the Rt Rev Graham Cray (Fresh Expressions team
leader), and the Rt Rev James Newcome (Bishop of Carlisle). The Rt Rev Mike Hill, Bishop of Bristol, took up office as president of CPAS last year.