Anthony Evans: bridging into new beginnings

|PIC1|With a new record label and album out, singer Anthony Evans could not be happier about how things are going. Currently on tour, he has never been better and feels he is where he should be with Him.

The Bridge is the first worship album Evans has written and the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive.

The album is your first worship album. What made you decide to do something different than the first two albums?
AE: I sat down to write the songs for the third album, and I could not write. It was a painful [time]. I was really trying to figure Him out.

So writing the album was a healing process for you?
AE: When you're a Christian, worshipping is your healing process. Worship is the resolve for your inner peace. This record is me being obedient [to Him].

What has been the reaction when performing the worship songs?
AE: The reaction is great. I am able to be me. The people that don't even know the songs gravitate towards them.

If you were not singing, what would you be doing in life?
AE: I was going to graduate from Texas A & M and become a large animal veterinarian.

Evans plans to incorporate more worship songs on future albums. After finishing up his US tour, it is back to the recording studio to work on album number four. Despite his hectic schedule, Evans feels as if he is doing what God has called him to do - to spread His message through worship and praise.