Anticipating Fruit from the Forum for World Evangelisation

The 2004 Forum for World Evangelisation will end on 5th October 2004, and the assigned Issue Groups (IGs) are busy wrapping up their discussions and working out practical conclusions. The 31 issues which have been identified by the Lausanne Committee of World Evangelism as the main roadblocks to world evangelism in this era will soon be addressed by Christian leaders worldwide.

The Convergence Team of the Forum, set up for tracking the progress of the IGs’ meeting, has anticipated the goal-orientated outcome from the IGs. Rev. Doug Birdsall, Lausanne International Chair-Elect, on Sunday 3rd October, announced the guidelines for the IGs, “ think in terms of three primary and easy-to-remember categories- the ‘A, B, C’s’”.

“A” represents Action Steps. The IGs have been encouraged to draw precise action steps. IGs have been told that they should be able to provide suggestions on what can be done to tackle the specific issue given to them. It is important to draw precise action steps, because the more precise they are, the more likely they are to impact the world as they are actually implemented by churches, organisations and leaders. It will help to fulfil the ideals of Lausanne to see “The Whole Church take the Whole Gospel to the Whole World.”

“B” represents Books and Publications. The conclusion of the discussion from all the IGs will be published in the Lausanne Occasional Papers after the Forum 2004. Lausanne Occasional Papers have been highly valued around the world as insightful publications on challenges and opportunities facing the church, since the Lausanne Movement started.

“C” represents Continuing Activity. Through the Internet as well as holding regional consultations in the foreseeable future, many of the IGs are already planning on-going activities. The Lausanne Committee is eager to provide endorsement and support for consultations to be convened by any on-going “task force” that will emerge from an Issue Group at the 2004 Forum.