Apple Watch OS 2 update: Activation Lock to come with watchOS 2 update

watchOS website for developers

During WWDC 2015 event, there were a myriad number of features that Cupertino tech giant Apple introduced that would change the way all of its Apple products would interact in the near future. While iOS 9 was considered to be the center of attention since a large percentage of the company's growth is due to iPhone sales, the firm is also intending on improving its wearable platform through a watchOS 2 update.

With watchOS 2, Apple will be aiming to reduce the dependency of having to carry around iPhones every time Apple Watch owners place the wearable on their wrists. Additionally, the latest security feature called Activation Lock will be introduced in the upcoming update.

The purpose of introducing Activation Lock for the smartwatch is to preserve the security for all of Apple's products. According to Phone Arena, sensitive data is also present inside the native storage of Apple Watch, which needs to be safeguarded in the same manner as any iPhone and iPad. Activation Lock was introduced for smartphones and tablets after the official release of iOS 7. The website states that after this feature was introduced, there was a sudden reduction in the overall theft of Apple's mobile products.

In a nutshell, Activation Lock is automatically able to lockdown an iPhone or iPad, and the only way to bypass through this lock in by inputting the user's iCloud credentials, which at that point, may prove difficult to retrieve. Furthermore, watchOS 2 will also be monitoring the kind of engagement being carried out on Apple Watch, and if suspicious activity is found by the platform, it will lock down the device completely.

While no exact release date has been given, it is expected that watchOS 2 will be released during the same time that iOS 9 is updated on compatible devices.