Apple AirPods rumors: Sound device to feature fitness tracking capabilities

Promo photo for the Apple AirPods.Apple

Aside from better sound quality, the next Apple AirPods might be your next workout buddy as it will come with fitness tracking capabilities.

Patently Apple reported that Apple was granted with a lot of patents which includes a Biometric sensor stack structure.

The sensors would not be just limited to a simple heart-rate monitor, it will also monitor electrical activity in the heart, and it will have impedance cardiography sensors among others.

Impedance cardiography is used to sense the electrical conductivity of the thorax and can measure the amount of blood your heart is pumping. It can also tell the heart rate or how often is blood pumping to heart.

What sets the AirPods apart is that users will be able to know how much oxygen they use during exercise. Users can also measure how fit they are.

Another interesting feature is a galvanic skin response sensor which is typically used in lie-detector tests. It measures the electrical resistance of the skin to measure the emotional stress level of a person.

Apple is also working on better sound quality from the AirPods. Another patent appears to address outside noise while dissipating pressure from inside the ear canal.

The patent shows a valve system that will permit sound to escape from the ear canal to avoid reverberating effects while speaking with the AirPods on.

A microphone will be used to filter noise from the outside, so users can still be aware of what's happening in the surrounding while listening to music.

No release date yet has been confirmed for the new AirPods. It is also not confirmed if it will be among the new products Apple will introduce at its upcoming event on Sept. 12.

Some of the rumored products to be revealed include a new iPhone, the Apple Watch 3 and an Apple TV that will finally support 4k streaming service.