Apple iPad Pro news: Giant tablet estimated to gain massive popularity

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There is great expectation on Apple's long-rumored iPad Pro. The giant tablet is anticipated to make history, break and make new records, and change how things are done in the tablet world. 

According to research firm Strategy Analytics, the Apple iPad Pro will boost the market of 11-inch plus tablets. In numbers, this significant revolution equates to a 7 percent increase. This means that more users will find greater benefits with tablets, such as content creation.  

"Just as phablets (larger-screen smartphones) have eaten away at the smaller end of the tablet spectrum, the gulf between PCs and tablets is shrinking every day," Eric Smith, senior analyst of tablet and touchscreen strategies, said via CP Online. "Major vendors are pushing the boundaries of all three major mobile operating systems and hardware configurations to transform the tablet into a content-creation device."

That said, 2-in-1 devices are expected to see more competition when the iPad Pro makes it out of Apple's drawing board and into the market. While Microsoft has long enjoyed the top spot in this category, Apple's giant offering will likely give the tech firm a run for its money.

According to reports, the Apple iPad Pro will come with a stylus, which will introduce a slew of benefits. Inquisitr states that taking notes during a meeting will be more efficient as an individual can pay more attention to the people they are with rather than the keyboard. Also, artists should find it easier to use Photoshop or Illustrator because they have free reigns with the stylus and the large size of the tablet will feel like they are working on a canvas or real paper. 

Apple iPad Pro is allegedly getting a 12-inch screen. It is said to be in the works for years in Cupertino and reports say it is now ready for a major entrance. Apple recently gave out invites for a Sept. 9 event and media outlets think the outsized tablet will finally be shown.