iPad Pro and iPad Air Plus 2015 rumors: Leaked photos spotted

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With iPad sales in 2014 hardly something to cheer about, Apple hopes that its next iPad offering can overcome the drop in popularity and revenues later in the year. But of course that would all depend on how the next iPad would look and what features it will bring.

The word around is that Apple will be releasing a bigger screened iPad measuring about 12.9 inches. The display will boast of 2K resolution and will measure just 7mm thin. It will weigh just 700g and will have a larger 11,000 mAh battery.

Leaked photos have come out as well over the web. Nowhereelse.fr came out with possible photos of the next iPad although it remains unofficial. Apparently these came from companies who make iPad cases.

Aside from the specs already mentioned, the photos give folks a glimpse of how the next iPad will look like. Based on the images shown, the supposedly next iPad will come with dual-stereo speakers at the bottom as well as the familiar lightning port. In all, the image somehow shows off something that somehow teases that the next iPad would be somewhat similar to the iPad 2.

Lastly, there is the issue of what it will actually be called. There is no official word yet on what the next iPad would be called although there are speculations that the name could be a choice between "iPad Pro" and/or "iPad Air Plus". Of the two, iPad Air Plus is said to be favored by most.

While these rumors are something to ponder on for now, official specs and word about it should be out soon. The next iPad is expected to crop up sometime this Spring.