Apple iPhone 6 and 6s news: Chinese consumer watchdog expects Apple to address battery shutdown complaints in 10 days

A promotional image for the iPhone 6Apple

Apple is finally taking the matters into their own hands after the Cupertino-based tech giant received numerous complaints about the sudden battery shut down on iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s.

A report from NBC News claimed that the China Consumers Association appealed to Apple to look into the numerous reports of the unexpected shutting off of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s and their difficulty to turn back on again.

The complaints claim that the devices involuntarily turn off even if the device still has 50 to 60 percent battery levels. It is also mentioned that the iPhone devices also die down in room temperature or when brought in colder areas. There are also reports stating that the smartphones could not turn on even if the users continuously charge the device's battery.

China-based news site Sina News also revealed that the consumer rights watchdog was already requesting the tech firm to answer the reasons behind the battery shut down issues of the smartphone devices. The company is also expected to provide feedbacks and resolutions for the complaints.

"In view that Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s series cellphones in China have a considerable number of users, and the number of people who've reported this problem is rather many, China Consumer Association has already made a query with Apple," the association said in a statement that was translated by NBC.

Other reports claim that the China Consumers Association is only allotting 10 days for the tech giant to provide their feedback to the complaints filed by their group.

This is not the first time that a smartphone manufacturer got into trouble because of the battery issues of their flagship devices. In September, South Korean tech giant Samsung was bombarded by numerous complaints from all over the world about the sudden eruption of their Galaxy Note 7 smartphones while charging. The company was forced to recall all the Galaxy Note 7 and discontinue the product to prevent further accidents.