iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus: A month after

Sept. 19 marked the day all Apple fans held their breaths and witnessed the unveiling of Apple's latest and grandest flagship phones -- the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. It was Apple's best opening week, everyone went bananas, it became trending worldwide in Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites.

What happened so far?

Pre-orders and long lines

There were very long and exhausting lines. This is the first liberating move of Apple to manufacture larger screens. This move, so far, brought about millions of pre-orders and phones sold in the first weekend in the U.S. Apparently, this huge number will be topped in China wherein 20 million iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus handsets have already been preo-ordered. If this proves to be true, then China will lead the path as the world's biggest market for iPhones once the units are released on Oct. 17.


Many noticed their new iPhones gradually bending, allegedly caused by putting them in their back pockets then sitting for long periods of time. A Youtube video of an iPhone 6 Plus purposely being bent went viral. Nonetheless, Apple fans still patronize the company and their products no matter what. The rumor mill, on the other hand, reports that Apple is taking #bendgate seriously in all its details. Are they going to replace bent iPhones? No official statements made but owners are hoping for the best.  And iPhone users are reminded not to place their handsets in their back pockets.


Not long after #bendgate went trending, #hairgate was born. There were a number of iPhone users whose hairs and beards allegedly got caught when making calls.

As explained by one tweet, "The seam on the iPhone where the aluminum meets the glass is catching hair and pulling it out."

There are also complaints about the protruding camera doing the same hair trapping. Again, Apple hasn't commented on this issue.

All in all, it seems like it has been a challenging first month for Apple and its newest iPhones.