iPhone 6s release date and specs rumors roundup: Force Touch feature to be added?

iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 PlusApple

The iPhone 6S is said to be Apple's next offering. The alleged device has been in the rumor mills for quite some time now, with speculations on its supposed specs evolving. The ongoing notion is the possible inclusion of the Force Touch, which was popularized in the recently launched Apple Watch. 

In the event Apple integrates the unique feature, which is, at the moment, only available in the new wearable and the hottest MacBook, the iPhone 6s will be a sensation and a money-making machine for the Cupertino-based tech giant as it will give competitors a run for their money. 

How Force Touch works is it gauges the touch pressure, with stronger presses deploying different commands and functions from the light taps. The much-appreciated facet is believed to be one of the many features of the iOS 9, which is currently in development. 

This feature covers a whole range of activities in the devices such as fast forwarding songs, adding new entries on the calendar and dropping new pins on the Maps app. The Force Touch will recognize the language and determine the function depending on the touch sensitivity. 

Forbes says that should competitors try to replicate the feature on their own handsets, it will be hard for them to not make it look like they are doing so. Seeing that the feature in itself is already distinctive, recreating it in any way without getting noticed is just too difficult to camouflage. 

The iPhone 6s will be the first smartphone to boast Force Touch. According to reports, Apple is looking to integrate the feature to its alleged Plus counterpart and future iPhone releases so as to compete with Samsung's TouchWiz.

Apple can play with the feature more with iPhones as it worked well on the Apple Watch even with its smaller, more limited technology. But whether or not the iPhone 6s will don the coveted feature, the only way to know is to wait until its launch in fall.