Apple iPhone 7 release date with Apple Watch Force Touch feature?

iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 PlusApple

There is quite a big buzz about Apple's next iPhone. The Cupertino-based tech firm is said to be working on a new flagship already and, as always, is set to lift the veil off it in September. Some say it will be the iPhone 6s while others say Apple is developing the next-generation iPhone 7. 

Rumor mills have been incessantly munching on some exciting iPhone 7 news, and the newest bit about the device's would-be features is Force Touch. This feature, which will debut on the Apple Watch, can differentiate taps from hard presses and will respond differently and accordingly. The response of the iPhone 7 will depend on the strength of the touch, with a unique contextual drop-down menu showing up for particular inputs. The feature is also present in the new MacBook, which is why reports say that Force Touch is an almost guaranteed inclusion to the iPhone 7 and, needless to say, it will be the first iPhone to enjoy it.

Apart from Force Touch, the iPhone 7 may very well be inheriting wireless charging from the Apple Watch. The smartphone may also be the new home of the Apple SIM. First seen in the Apple iPad Air 2, this function will facilitate network switches without the need to actually change the SIM card. While many love the idea, others are incredulous at the amount of tweaking involved in order for it to work. 

Regarding previous speculations about the iPhone 7, many are still waiting for the integration of a dual-lens camera, which is touted to capture DSLR-quality photos. This will mark the ultimate imaging update for any iPhone, which has not enjoyed that many boosts in that department. 

Whatever Apple has in store for iPhone lovers will likely be seen in September. For now, it is best to wait for the tech titan to do its magic.