Apple iWatch release date; Wearable to hit shelves April 6?


After Apple unveiled its highly anticipated large screen iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, the technological universe is awaiting the unveiling of the tech giant's wearable, dubbed the Apple iWatch. The iWatch is expected to be released on March 9, 2015. According to IT Pro, the upcoming device will be carrying a price tag of $349, and will be running Apple's iOS 8.2 platform.

MacRumors has stated that after consulting with a reliable source, it was found that the Cupertino tech company will be looking to officially release the product for consumer purchase during the first full week of April, with dates targeted from 6-10. Apple believes that its upcoming wearable is going to provide a small recap of the success that the tech firm's large screen iPhones brought for the company in terms of revenue. According to the details present in The Wall Street Journal, Apple has asked suppliers to make between 5-6 million units of the iWatch.

As for what will be running inside the product, it is expected that the device will be powered by Samsung's application processor, which exhibits superior processing performance coupled with energy efficiency. However, there are rumors that despite the prowess of the Apple iWatch, it will not possess sufficient amounts of battery life to woo the consumer.

The iWatch's release date was confirmed when the tech firm's latest earnings call was announced during the end of January. During this period, Apple CEO Tim Cook stated:

"We'd like to thank our customers for an incredible quarter, which saw demand for Apple products soar to an all-time high. Our revenue grew 30 percent over last year to $74.6 billion, and the execution by our teams to achieve these results was simply phenomenal."