Apple Watch to finally launch next month?

Apple buffs have been waiting for more than three months already for the Cupertino-based company's revolutionary smartgear, the Apple Watch. The spanking new wearable was announced back in September and was promised to come out in "early 2015." However, this timeframe is still broad and vague so many are putting their fingers on what window it will actually show up. 

An article from App Advice stated that the production of the wearable device is in full swing so it could be released in the United States and in Europe simultaneously. However, the same report iterated that while Apple is hoping to release the device before Valentine's Day, it might instead touchdown in spring, citing a message from Apple retail head Angela Ahrendts sent to Apple employees. This means that eager enthusiasts would have to wait a few more months before the Apple Watch reaches their wrists. 

The price range seems to be set in stone though. A shell out of $350 for the regular edition of the Apple Watch is set. The release date remains a mystery but Apple is expected to make announcements as to the specifics in the coming weeks. 

What people do know is that the Apple Watch has all the potential to take the tech world on a whole new dimension should CEO Tim Cook pull it all off. It is the first new major device to be launched from Apple with Cook at the helm. Steve Jobs's successor knows he's got big shoes to fill and he knows he can do well. The iPod touch and the iPad took off like a dream. The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus hold glorious spots in the turf so there's big trust that Cook will deliver with the Apple Watch. There is immense expectation of the timepiece since it was introduced. Whatever Cook's formula is, Business Insider says that it will either be a groundbreaking success or an enormous flop. T-Mobile CEO John Legere thinks it's the former. 

"In 2015, I believe that the Apple Watch will mark the tipping point when wearables go from niche to mainstream," states the head of the high-flying U.S. carrier in a blog post.

Morgan Stanley sees eye to eye with the business leader. Its ballpark figure is the biggest among the bunch of analysts' estimations charted in the Business Insider Intelligence with 60 million shipments. Stifel and Piper Jafray predict 10 million sales. Master Herald also noted BGC tech analyst Colin Gillis, who supposes that Apple will sell 30 million within the first four months Apple Watch hits the market.