Apple iWatch battery to last up to 19 hours?

The three varieties of Apple Watch that will be launched allegedly in

The rumor mill has not stopped churning for the upcoming wearable everyone is thrilled to see: the Apple Watch. New reports claim that the smartwatch will be powered by a battery that can only last for 19 hours. This should not come as a shock though as CEO Tim Cook has already suggested the need for the device to be charged every night. However, there are doubts that the Cupertino-based company will hit the bull's eye. 

According to 9to5 Mac, Apple intends to put forward 2.5 hours of "heavy" application use like playing games as well as facilitate 3.5 hours of standard app use. Also, Apple is striving to have the Apple Watch run for a full day, but with power-draining components under its hood, it is unlikely to follow through. 

9to5 Mac said that the Apple S1 chip inside the Apple Watch will sap most of its power. This processor, which bears almost the same power as the A5 processor found in the fifth generation iPod touch, is running a stripped-down version of the iOS called SkiHill. What's more is that the tech timepiece packs a Retina display that can render an impressive and a juice-guzzling 60 frames per second. 

In turn, this may reduce the standby or the low-power mode time of the device from two to three days instead of three and four days of standby and sleep mode, which the tech firm wants to go for. Apple has been very keen on perfecting the device's battery life, which is said to cause the delay of its purported 2014 launch to 2015. Just as what 9to5 Mac and its sources reported, the company is testing the device with 3000 units out for real-world assessment. Along with this is endeavoring to have the MagSafe-based inductive charging mechanism work best for the device as reports reveal that the system is charging slower than it should. 

The Apple Watch is said to make a debut in March so it is only a matter of time before the world sees the smartgear in the flesh.