Apple keynote event live stream: Watch online iPad 2, iPad Mini 3 Macbook Pro 2014 launch online

Apple invites everyone to watch its live stream. [A screengrab of the invitation sent by Apple Inc. to different media companies for the upcoming event on Oct. 16.][Photo credit: zdnet]

"It's been way too long," the event invitation says.  

Tech prodigy Apple cordially invites everybody to watch its big unveiling on Oct. 16. The event is enveloped with expectations of the most-anticipated launch of the iPad Air 2, iPad Mini 3, an all-new iMac system, and the OS X Yosemite. Whether or not all these will make an appearance in the Apple event, a way to know is to watch its live stream.

Every Apple user using an iOS device with an updated software can view the event as it happens in iTunes. Those who prefer to view it on a computer may go to the Apple website from a Mac system solely in the Safari browser. Apple chose to host the event at the Infinite Loop Campus in Cupertino, California.

Viewers and Apple enthusiasts are likely looking forward to seeing rumors and speculations come to fruition during the event. If it doesn't disappoint, then Apple will introduce new iPads to the digital world, specifically the iPad Mini 3 and the iPad Air 2. Also, succeeding the beta versions of the OS X Yosemite might be the operating system's formal launch in the same event.

A brand new 12-inch MacBook with Retina display and an iMac may be part of the show, likely sporting the OS X Yosemite.

Finally, Apple's newest mobile payment system will be made public. Apple Pay will likely be something to be discussed on Oct. 16, following Apple's efforts to establish partnerships with retailers and financial institutions.  The feature was unveiled during the September launch of the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, and the Apple Watch.

The Thursday event will start at 10 a.m. Pacific Time and at 1 p.m. Eastern Time so get ready.