iPhone 6C rumors: Will Apple release another budget iPhone?

AppleDaily.com posted a video purporting to show a reporter with the casing of the new iPhone CAppleDaily video screenshot

Apple has already released the Apple iPhone6 and the iPhone 6 Plus. Now if you look at the trend, the iPhone 6 is something that succeeds the iPhone 5 while the iPhone 6 Plus for the iPhone 5s. What about the iPhone 5c? Doesn't it have a successor?

Apparently many are wondering how an iPhone 6c (rumored to be known as the iPhone 6s mini) does not have a successor of its own. The iPhone 5c was a lower cost version of the iPhone 5s so many are wondering if there would be such for the iPhone 6 Plus.

Trend-wise, all the attention now is on the iPhone 7 which somehow indicated that there will be no iPhone 6c to look forward to. But rumors are now afloat that a iPhone 6c (iPhone 6s mini) would come out before the iPhone 7 comes around.

So what would the iPhone 6c offer? Well rumors have it that it will be a 4-inch phone and that it will be the one in focus, meaning that production of the iPhone 5c will cease.

Reports are sketchy and are traced back to Taiwanese manufacturers which state that there should be three iPhones set for launch this year. The iPhone 5c successor is dubbed as the iPhone 6s mini. It was however also noted that blogs may not necessarily be accurate hence the need for more sourcing on the facts concerning the iPhone 6s mini.

With regard to possible images, nothing official has come out just yet. There are the usual concepts and some videos but none of them are reliable enough to hold on to for now.

With the iPhone 7 rumored to be out in the market by September of this year, it will be interesting to see if the so-called iPhone 6s mini does come out in the coming months. With almost a 7-month window and no official word, your guess is as good as mine on whether it does or will truly be true.