Apple TV specs and features rumors: More RAM, iOS 9, faster processor


The new and improved Apple TV is expected to be released alongside the new iPhones in September. It was supposed to come out earlier this year but the delay allowed the Cupertino-based tech firm to further polish the set-top box before it makes its entrance.

According to 9to5Mac, the new iteration of the Apple TV did not come as scheduled, not because of stalled deals as what was speculated. The delay bought the tech firm's engineers some time to refine iOS 9, the company's newest mobile operating system. 

If this is really the case, previous rumors about the upcoming device would make sense. It is being reported that the new set-top box from Apple will feature a full-scale App Store, making it the first in its lineup to boast one. 9to5Mac says that the store will focus on allowing firms to add their own channels. 

Coming along with this big addition is Siri, which will serve as the device's new proactive search. This ought to make things easier for users to search with a given term without the need for manual search, since the results will come flooding from iTunes Store or Netflix automatically. 

The set-top box is expected to come with 1 or 2 GB of RAM, much bigger than the last one's 512 MB. The storage space, which was only at 8 GB, is also expected see a significant boost, at least to 32 GB. 

There's also word that the new Apple TV will be powered by the new A9 processor. Furthermore, Apple has allegedly prepared a remote with a built-in touchpad for the device. The accessory reportedly has support for gesture controls and is expected to even be integrated with Force Touch. 

Force Touch is a feature that distinguishes a light tap and a press, thus responding with different commands. It was first seen in action in the Apple Watch and eventually in the new MacBook. The feature is also expected to be incorporated in the new iPhones. 

As for the new Apple TV's appearance, rumor has it that it will be thinner and sleeker than its predecessor. Whether or not all this is accurate, users will have to wait for Apple's rumored Sept. 9 keynote event.