Apple Watch release news: device half-price for Apple employees

Fans can get the Apple Watch at half its price, if they are Apple employees.

Apple CEO Tim Cook sent an internal memo on Monday, stating that as part of the upcoming launch of the company's wearable, Apple employees can purchase the Apple Watch at half its price. The half-price discount will be available for employees once pre-orders start on April 10, and will be valid for only up to 90 days after the Apple Watch becomes available.

According to the memo, also posted on Apple observer site MacRumors, the move was designed for Apple personnel who are also excited for the upcoming launch, and want to be the first to own the device.

"I know that many of you have been looking forward to choosing an Apple Watch for yourselves, and we want to make it easy for you," Cook said in the memo. "Starting Friday in countries where the watch is available for pre-order, a special Employee Purchase Plan will offer a 50% discount on any Apple Watch or Apple Watch Sport for your personal use."

It seems that aside from generating good market pieces, the move by Apple is also a reward for employees, as it is anticipated that the coming weeks prior to the Apple Watch will be a couple of busy ones. There would be an anticipated influx of customers wanting to try the Apple Watch, and since walk-in purchases will not be entertained, Apple employees must assist each and every one of the clients in reserving their Apple Watches. Most of the employees also have special tasks, such as peripheral demonstrations, and in the case of the limited edition Apple Watches, to serve as personal concierges.

This is not the first time that Apple has given back to employees prior to launching their products. When the iPhone was first launched in 2007, the company gave out free units to all its employees.