Apple Watch release date: spend $10,000 and get VIP treatment from Apple employees

Appleā€™s official website

Hiring a team from luxury fashion apparel companies such as Yves St. Laurent and Louis Vuitton has allowed Cupertino tech giant Apple to roll out a $10,000 Apple Watch known as Apple Watch Edition. The wearable comprises up of 18-karat of gold and a consumer who intends on buying the ridiculously priced product will be counted as one of the affluent members of society, resulting in them getting special treatment after they walk in to any one of Apple's retail stores.

According to 9to5Mac Apple has debriefed the Apple Watch Edition to employees as:

"The ultimate expression of extraordinary craftsmanship, incredible innovation, and design driven by functionality and end use... technology becoming seductive, with desirability not necessarily defined simply by a price tag or elitism, but rather meticulous focus on usefulness and utility rooted in beauty."

When consumers looking to purchase the $10,000 Apple Watch and above wearables walk in to the store for the very first time, they will have a total of 60 minutes to choose which particular design they want to purchase. Regular customers will only be given between 5-15 minutes to choose which model they want to purchase. Additionally, Apple customers will also be getting access to video conferences from the comfort of their own homes, where Apple store employees will be guiding them step by step on which model will be best suited for them. Currently, this program will only be for those who intend on purchasing the following models:

  • Apple Watch Edition
  • Standard stainless steel Apple Watch

The wealthy consumers will be also be entitled to an exclusive phone line, where they will be receiving 24 hour customer service for two years. Using the AppleCare+ service, consumers can extend that customer service to three years after paying a fee. Furthermore, when buying the watch for the first time, Apple employees will be escorting individuals to a separate, yet opulent corner of the store, where they can comfortably try on their wearables.

The official release date of Apple Watch is April 24, 2015.