Apple Watch: in-store workshops for buyers

For those who wish to know more about the Apple Watch, Apple will hold free workshops when the new wearable becomes available on April 24. 

In its recently updated retail store website, Apple reflected the availability of an "Apple Basics" workshop that would teach new Apple Watch owners everything they need to know about the new Apple Watch. According to the website's Concierge page, would-be participants are asked to bring their Apple Watches and iPhones, and instructors would help them navigate the wearable. 

In addition to the limited-time hands-on demo of the Apple Watch to curious onlookers and interested buyers, the Apple Watch Basics workshop is an in-depth instruction to be facilitated by specially-trained Apple employees. The instructors underwent rigorous training solely focused on the Apple Watch, and are considered experts on Apple's newest device. 

Aside from getting the basics about the wearable, the workshop will also allow people to familiarize themselves with the Apple Watch's functions using the new Glances and Gestures features. The former feature displays condensed info on the Apple Watch that can be accessed by the user by swiping up the watch face, while Gestures allow Watch navigation by swiping or tapping, and a combination of the two. 

The instructors would also teach Apple Watch owners how to download and change their wearable's watch faces. 

Moreover, some stores are also displaying a second class related to the new wearable, the Stay in Touch with Apple Watch workshop. This training is for Apple Watch owners who would likely use the device for communications, and will teach people how to answer messages and calls, share their current locations, and even send a Hearbeat, an Apple Watch exlusive that sends the user's actual heartbeat to a friend using the device's built-in heartbeat sensor. 

Parties who are interested in the workshops come April 24 can make a reservation via their local Apple Stores.