Apple Watch 2.0 OS update: What to expect

Apple website

As expected by many observers and fans, Apple has announced the coming of a new version for its iOS mobile platform, along with a new update for its OS X product. However, what most did not expect is that Apple is also planning on releasing a new update for the recently-launched Apple Watch. 

While it is true that the newest addition to the Apple's product line still needs a few bugs and glitches ironed out, the April launch date of the Apple Watch precludes a major update. 

With the news that a major update will also be coming on the Apple Watch, it seems that the Cupertino-based company is listening to the myriad of followers of its first-ever wearable. In addition, the update to the Apple Watch may be the company's answer to the major update released by its competitor, Google's Android Wear. 

The new update for the software Apple has christened as the Watch OS will introduce new features for the wearable such as new watch faces and a more interactive user interface. 

Perhaps the notable new feature that would be the added native App SDK. In the current platform for the Apple Watch, the only apps that can have full functionality in the Watch itself are music, mail, maps, and other basic functions. If a user would want a third-party app to be accessed via the Apple Watch, the app itself would have to be synced on the user's iPhone first. In the upcoming Apple Watch update, developers can fully utilize the Apple Watch's interface and design an app that would maximize the wearable's environment without depending on other Apple devices. 

Aside from the native SDK on the new update, Watch OS 2.0 will also introduce Time Travel, a new feature interface that would allow users to go forward or backward in time on their wearables and view relevant events and other information for that period of time.