April the giraffe birth live stream: April prepares to give one last push to bring out her calf

Screenshot from "Good Morning America's" feed showing April the giraffeYouTube/GoodMorningAmerica

April is preparing herself for one last push to bring out her baby calf into the world. Meanwhile, people are anxiously waiting and watching April as prepares to give birth that they even bought merchandise from the zoo and subscribed to a text alert system.

It has been more than six weeks since the live stream for April the giraffe's birth giving begun, BBC confirmed. There is no telling when April's waters will burst and when she will finally give birth. However, several other animals have already given birth to their younglings in the span of those six weeks.

Rhinoceros, ring-tailed lemurs, elephants, white tigers and many other animals have already given birth in different zoos all over the world. However, millions of people are still tuned in April the giraffe's live stream for her to finally give birth.

The anticipation for April's calf to be born has gotten so high that several people have been emailing the Animal Adventure Park in Harpursville for updates. Merchandise featuring April the giraffe has already been sold to people to keep themselves entertained while waiting for April's calf. Others have even subscribed to a text alert system to be fully updated about April the giraffe's labor.

According to a vet at the Animal Adventure Park, April is "almost ready" to bring her calf into the world after 15 months of pregnancy, Express reports.

At around 1 a.m. yesterday, April was reported to be in "high spirits" but also highly anxious as she kept roaming in her pen and continuously wagged her tail. However, it appeared to be a false sign as the zookeepers even claim April to be joking because of her fake labor alarms.

April was already warming herself up to finally give birth to her baby calf yesterday morning.

Updates about April the giraffe's condition can be found on their YouTube livestream.