Archbishop concerned over rising tensions in Northern Ireland

The Archbishop of Armagh says confidence building measures are needed to show that devolution in Northern Ireland works.

His comments come after Wednesday’s report from the Independent Monitoring Commission warning that the threat posed by Republican dissidents is at its highest for six years.

The IMC’s report also warned paramilitary groups could start targeting the British mainland and were being helped in destabilising the peace process by former Provisional IRA members.

"The overall level of dissident activity was markedly higher than we have seen since we first met in late 2003,” the IMC report said.

"The seriousness, range and tempo of their activities all changed for the worse in these six months. During this period, dissident republicans were violent and showed an intent to kill if the opportunity arose."

The seriousness of the threat was highlighted in March, the Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA) shot dead two British soldiers and the Real IRA killed a police officer.

Archbishop Harper said the IMC's report made for “grim reading”.

He said it was “imperative” that further progress be made in building confidence in the stability and efficacy of local political institutions.

“Confidence building measures include completion of the process required for the devolution of policing and justice powers, together with renewed efforts to resolve outstanding difficulties surrounding contentious parades,” he said.

“We need to show clearly that devolved politics works and so deny to those who wish to take us back to the darkness of the past any justification, legitimate or otherwise, for their actions.”