Archbishop of Armagh to become Cardinal

Today, the Catholic Archbishop of Armagh will be officially given the position of Cardinal.

Dr Sean Brady, who is also the Catholic Primate of All-Ireland, will be one of 23 prelates who will be admitted to the ranks of the College of Cardinals.

Several hundred people from Northern and southern Ireland including friends and relatives have also travelled to Rome to witness his installation as Cardinal, reports the Belfast Telegraph.

Appointment to the position of Cardinal means that whilst his day to day role of Archbishop of Armagh will not be affected significantly, Dr Brady will gain other important responsibilities in the Catholic Church on the international level.

Members of the College of Cardinals are responsible for giving advice to the Pope on issues of special importance to the Church. Under Pope John Paul II the College became more important when they where asked for advice on issues such as finance and clerical child abuse, reports the Belfast Times.

The Consistory service where Archbishop Brady will be made a Cardinal begins at 10:30am Rome time.