Archbishop of Canterbury Among Assisted-Suicide Protestors

A petition was presented to 10 Downing Street Friday listing more than 100,000 signatures of opposition to the assisted-dying bill, up for its second reading in the House of Lords.

The signatures, gathered by Care Not Killing within just four weeks, demand an end to the proposals laid down in Lord Joffe’s Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill that will see a change in the law to allow physician-assisted suicide if the Bill is approved.

CNK campaign director Dr Peter Saunders said: “We believe that this is a very bad Bill and one that would create great problems for old and sick patients and the medical and nursing professions. Over the past few days as the public has become aware of the issues at stake, people have been signing our petition opposing the Bill at the rate of 10,000 a day. More than 100, 000 people have signed the petition we will present to Downing Street today.