Archbishop of Canterbury Greets ECUSA’s "Constructive" Covenant Statement

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rev Rowan Williams has greeted the Covenant Statement, which was issued on the 15th March by the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church of the United States of America (ECUSA).

The Covenant was made during the Bishops’ spring meeting in Camp Allen in Texas, USA. Rev Williams, the head of the worldwide Anglican Church said, "I welcome this constructive response from ECUSA's House of Bishops. They have clearly sought to respond positively to the requests made of them in the Windsor Report and in the Communiqué issued after the recent Primates Meeting. It is clear that there has been a real willingness to engage with the challenges posed."

On 15th March 2005 at the House of Bishops’ Spring Meeting the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church adopted a "New Covenant" by an almost unanimous vote. The meeting resulted in a new statement for the ECUSA and "a provisional measure to contribute to a time for healing and for the educational process called for in the Windsor Report."

Yesterday was the concluding day of the six-day meeting of the ECUSA, which held the purpose of being a retreat and a time of private reflection.

Reports from some bishops attending the gathering have insisted that the spirit of collaboration and unity has been clear, and that this has been reflected by the overwhelming way the members voted for the newly released statement.

The General Convention is the chief legislative body of the 2.3 million-member Episcopal Church, and is comprised from the House of Deputies as well as the House of Bishops. It meets every three years and is scheduled to meet in June 2006 in Ohio, USA.