Archbishop of York Calls for Unity & Love to Defeat Terrorism

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, has called for England to fight potential suicide bombers with love. Speaking at his presidential address to the Church of England Synod at the weekend, he told that it cannot be enough to rely simply upon the security services and laws alone.

Dr Sentamu called for the country to “out-imagine, out-plan and out-think” those that might take the path to becoming suicide bombers, and that this could be done by building an “inclusive circle of love”, he told the General Synod at York University.

Focusing on neighbourhood development, the archbishop said that they had to be turned over and renewed to become safe, flourishing, clean and generous.

In addition, he also pointed to the internal motives the bombers had to try and kill and cause terror, saying that these had to be tackled if the fight against terrorism was to be successful.