Archbishop of York to Visit Ireland

|TOP|The Archbishop of York is due to visit Ireland at the end of the month in what will be his first visit to the country since his appointment as Primate.

The Most Rev and Rt Hon Dr John Sentamu will make the four day visit from Mar. 23 to 26 at the invitation of the Bishop of Clogher, the Rt Rev Dr Michael Jackson.

Dr Sentamu will spend time at Clogher diocese where he will join in the 1500th anniversary celebrations of St Macartan.

The Archbishop will attend a number of events as guest speaker throughout the diocese, including special services at St Macartan’s Cathedral, Clogher, and St Macartin’s Cathedral, Enniskillen where he will preach.

He will also deliver a public lecture on the subject of Christianity and Conflict at Cathedral Hall, Enniskillen, on the first day of his visit.

|AD|Archbishop Sentamu will also spend time during his visit meeting clergy and lay people, students and also members of the Mothers’ Union who he will lead in Holy Communion. On Mothering Sunday, he will preach at Morning Service in Pettigo before going on to preach Ardess on the same morning.

Bishop Jackson expressed his delight at the coming visit of the Archbishop of York. He said: “I am delighted to welcome Archbishop Sentamu to Clogher Diocese. He comes to us through Macartan 1500 when we mark fifteen hundred years of Christian witness in this part of Ireland.

“In celebrating our involvement in today’s Church of Ireland, we seek to engage with members of the wider community. Archbishop Sentamu has much to teach us in understanding the place of the Church in today’s world.”

Mothers’ Union has prepared resources for church groups and leaders to use on Mothering Sunday on Mar. 26 including ideas on how to thank carers and make them feel special.

The resources are available for download at