Archbishop tells Northern Ireland to build on progress

The Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland, the Most Rev Alan Harper, has called on Northern Ireland to continue building on the progress that has been made in establishing a lasting peace.

He said the nation’s leaders in particular needed to heed the words of St Paul in his letter to the Romans, in which he exhorted them not to repay evil for evil but instead live at peace with everyone.

The Archbishop welcomed last month’s Hillsborough Agreement to devolve policing and justice powers, ending a lengthy dispute that almost brought down the power-sharing government.

“It demonstrates the common commitment of all the parties, so far as it depends on them, to live at peace and to build not only stable structures of government but also positive social relationships in order to ensure that there will be no to return to the sterility and violence of the past,” he said.

The Archbishop condemned the recent bomb scares in Keady and Newry, believed to have been the work of dissident republicans.

“Recent events have demonstrated the intent and capacity of some, a tiny faction, to try to turn back the clock. They will not succeed,” he said.

“The determination of the leaders of all the parties to build on the progress that has been made, together with the undoubted support of ordinary people for constructive, efficient and purposeful ‘partnership government’, will ensure that violence and division do not return to our streets.

“Our political leaders deserve the wholehearted support of everyone as they seek to accomplish, under God, the difficult task given to them.”

His call comes just days before a crunch vote in the Assembly next week to approve the devolution package.

Tensions between the main parties have heightened ahead of the vote after Ulster Unionist chief Sir Reg Empey indicated his party would not back the agreement.

Although Sinn Fein and the Democratic Unionists have enough members to vote the deal through, they are seeking unanimous support.

Northern Ireland Secretary Shaun Woodward said it would be “hard to forgive” anyone who put the deal at risk.

He said: “By voting to complete devolution they will be doing so much more than voting for the transfer of policing and justice powers from Westminster to Stormont, important as that is.

“They will be voting for the hopes and aspirations of future generations who do not want to relive the past.”