Archbishop Williams rejects American Anglican Invitation

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rev Rowan Williams has reportedly rejected an invitation to attend a jointly held American and Canadian Anglican leaders meeting that was is scheduled for April. The decision appears to clearly indicate the huge divisions that have appeared within the worldwide Anglican Communion over the past year.

The head of the worldwide Anglican Communion, which consists of approximately 77 million members, refused the invitation that was offered by the American churches, which will consider the recent proposals for them to "voluntarily withdraw" membership from the international Anglican Committee meetings.

Williams commented that the reason he refused the week-long meeting was simply due to the fact that he had already filled up his schedule for that period and was unable to alter it.

However, the Canadian primate, Archbishop Andrew Hutchison criticised Williams decision, and linked the rejection directly to the crises over homosexuality within the Church that has engulfed the Communion over the past year.

Hutchison said, "It does send a very, very negative symbol to the Canadian church, no question. The message it send to us is that at the moment he does no want to be associated with the Canadians."

In continuing his criticisms of Rev William’s refusal to attend the meeting Hutchison said, "Our invitation went out to him over a year ago and I’m sure that this (other) meeting is not something that he (had) committed (to) before our invitation."

Williams has been understood by many to be leaning towards the more liberal stance regarding the issue of homosexuality. Canada’s Hutchison, therefore, has expressed that he is even more bewildered by the Archbishop of Canterbury’s recent decision as it seems to contradict what many thought he would do.

Hutchison said, "I’m very upset because it goes against what I believe is his own personal position (on homosexuality) and he has expressed it pretty publicly and in other circumstances."

The North American Anglican meeting now seems as if it will proceed without attendance from Rowan Williams, and forty other bishops from various countries will be expected to take part in the seven day gathering.