Archbishops to make first visit to URC college

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York will join in a visit to the United Reformed Church's Westminster College, in Cambridge, in the first such visit that the Archbishops have undertaken together.

During their visit, they will meet students preparing for ordination and discuss faith and society issues with students from the theological colleges and courses of the Cambridge Theological Federation.

The visit has been organised by representatives of the theological colleges, Cambridge University and local churches and is part of a wider three-day visit to Cambridge.

The Archbishops will also give a series of presentations, and meet business leaders and industrial chaplains. It is the first of a series of events over the next two years to mark the university's 800th anniversary.

Westminster College was established in Cambridge as a Presbyterian College in 1899. It trains students for ministry in the United Reformed Church.

Westminster College Principal, the Rev Dr Susan Durber said: "We are honoured to be hosting this event and are glad to welcome the two Archbishops. They are both, in their different ways, shining examples of what it means to minister and lead within the church today.

"We admire their bravery in being prophetic and pray for them as they are caught in the tensions which threaten unity among many Christians".

The Cambridge Theological Federation brings together the teaching and learning of seven member institutions and four associate institutions through which people of different churches, including Anglican, Methodist, Orthodox, Reformed and Roman Catholic, train for various forms of Christian ministry and service.