Archbishop's trust to support youth as they transform their communities

|PIC1|The Archbishop of York Youth Trust will be launched at Dr Sentamu's official residence, Bishopthorpe Palace, with an awards ceremony recognising the contribution of young people who have been involved in transforming their communities in the North of England. Young people involved in initiatives in Newcastle, Hull, Leeds and Warrington will be honoured at the ceremony.

The Archbishop of York said: “I’ve always been struck by how in the New Testament Jesus saw children as examples for adults to follow. I want the Trust to send a message out to passionate young people that they can make a positive difference in their local communities. They really can be the change they want to see in the world.”

Archbishop Tutu said: “I have the highest admiration for young people and I believe very strongly that they are dreamers, they are idealists, they believe it is possible to make poverty history and to have a world without war and where there is no hunger. I have come to say ‘go for it’ – don’t be affected by the cynicism of oldies like us and help make the world the place that God wants it to become.”

Much of the Youth Trust's work will focus upon areas of economic deprivation, through providing opportunities to help young people develop their leadership potential. It will focus on fostering leadership skills and initiative amongst the young, especially where young Christians are working alongside others in the service of the common good.

The Youth Trust aims to inspire young people of faith to transform their local communities through its provision of grants for youth-led projects. In launching the Youth Trust, Dr Sentamu is also asking businesses, individuals and schools to contribute to the Trust, by donating to specific projects, by adopting a youth worker or by sponsoring the Archbishop’s Discipleship Award Scheme.

Dr Sentamu will also present Archbishop Tutu with a Human Rights Award at the launch in recognition of his contribution in transforming South African society and also of his ongoing wider work for truth and reconciliation.

Dr Sentamu said: “When we speak of people transforming their communities through their faith, one only has to look at the example of Desmond Tutu to see what can be achieved.”