Are skill and talent important to God?


Here's one thing about Christians that we don't hear enough: We're all called to greater purpose and greater calling. It's not because of what we're able and capable of doing but because of what God is capable of doing through us.

Virtually everyone has asked the question "What on earth am I here for?" To fulfil this need for calling and meaning we are to look to the One who created us because it is originally He who set for us a plan for our lives. God has a plan for us (Jeremiah 29:11) and He gives us everything we need to fulfil those plans.

One of the most important factors to understanding and pursuing God's plan for us is having a healthy understanding of our skills and talents. Some people have too little value of skill and talent to the point that they don't nurture their God-given skills while others put too much emphasis on skill and talent to the point that it becomes a detriment to our pursuit of God's will for our lives. So what is a balanced view of skill and talent that can help maximise God's calling in our life?

Understand that God is the source of talent and skill

It all starts with understanding that it is God that is the ultimate source of skill and talent. Deuteronomy 8:18 reminds us that God gives us abilities so we can produce wealth and livelihood, and 1 Corinthians 12 tells us that God blesses us with gifts to be a blessing to the body of Christ.

All talents whether work-related or ministry-related are God-given, and if they're God-given then we can know for a fact that it is important to God. Why else would God give us something if it weren't important?

Our ability is not as important as God's ability

However, let us not over glorify talents and skills that we start doubting and judging God's ability and instructions just because we are not qualified at the moment. Many times in the Bible, God called people to serve Him despite of their disqualifications.

God can and will use us even if we cannot do it on our own. That's not to say that He leaves us empty handed. God helped Gideon win the battle against Midian but Gideon still had to learn how to lead and fight.

Be a good steward

God may give us talents, but unless we use them and be good stewards of them, purpose is not maximised. In Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus shares the parable of the talents to teach us that we are not to squander or hide our talents in fear of losing but rather use them for God's glory.

God will do His part in bringing our purposes to pass, but He also invites us to share in the work because He wants us to share in the reward as well. All gifts and talents are from God and He wants us to be good stewards of them. That's why they're important, but our talents are not nearly as important as the ability and power that is in our Lord Jesus Christ.