Ariel Winter and Levi Meaden news: Actress posts birthday greeting for boyfriend

Actor Ariel Winter poses at the premiere of the film "Smurfs: The Lost Village" in Culver City, California, April 1, 2017.REUTERS/Danny Moloshok

"Modern Family" alum Ariel Winter dedicated a loving happy birthday post for her boyfriend, Levi Meaden, on her social media account. This led fans of the happy couple to express their approval and their adoration for them since the dedication post has already accumulated more than 130,000 likes.

In the Instagram post from Winter's account, she posted a picture of her landing a kiss on her boyfriend's cheek and accompanied the photo with a greeting for Meaden's 30th birthday. She threw a lot of loving remarks, like "Every single second I spend with you I fall more in love," and even called Meaden an "incredible man."

According to Montrose Press, Winter and Meaden had just celebrated their nine-month anniversary as an exclusive couple back in August. It seems that the 11 year age gap between the two has not kept them from getting as close as possible. Meaden responded on his own social media account to express his immense happiness and gratitude for Winter's kind words.

Elite Daily revealed that Meaden also posted his own sweet picture on Instagram, wherein it showed the couple wearing matching jerseys with their respective names. Winter stated that she is content with her relationship with Meaden because she prefers a man who has had a significant life-experience and is more than capable of taking care of her. From the looks of it, the happy couple is more than content with their current setup.

NZ City reported that Meaden is not stingy with his own social media dedications towards Winter. He too posted a very sweet message greeting her for a happy ninth anniversary. He also stated that "every day is an adventure." Given that their relationship is relatively new, this could possibly mean that they are still reveling and enjoying each other's' company. Fans out there are surely rooting for the couple, and are hoping that the relationship lasts.