'Terminator: Genisys' actor Arnold Schwarzenegger bashes 'Terminator Salvation'

Terminator GenisysSkydance Productions

Actor and former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will be returning as the titular cybernetic organism in this year's "Terminator Genisys," but he did have a few choice words clearly stating his dislike for 2009's "Terminator Salvation," the only film in the franchise he did not partake in.

During an interview with ABC News program "Good Morning America," Schwarzenegger spoke about his choice of not appearing in the film with a few simple words: "Thank God. It sucked."

When asked which "Terminator" film was his favorite, the 67-year-old actor played it safe by replying, "I really can't say that. I think that the three that I was in, they all three had their own personalities and interesting storylines."

While all films are subjective to the individual tastes of the viewer, critics have spoken against the quality of "Terminator Salvation." To this date, the film only has a 33 percent critic rating on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 267 reviews.

While Schwarzenegger did not return to act in "Terminator Salvation," the production team did acquire the rights to his likeness and instead used CGI effects to digitally replicate his face in order to feature a Terminator machine that looked just like the one he portrayed in the very first film.

"Salvation" starred Christian Bale, Sam Worthington, and Bryce Dallas Howard, and was intended to be the start of a new trilogy. Due to its poor critic rating and low box office returns, the franchise halted and the rights were sold, leading up to the production of this year's "Terminator Genisys."

According to movie site Screen Rant, Schwarzenegger has gone on the record saying he holds the "Terminator" franchise in high regard, but would only return if the script was good and there was a good story to tell. His return for "Genisys" can give hope that this is a film he believes in.

Along with Schwarzenegger, "Terminator Genisys" stars Emilia Clarke, Jason Clarke, and Jai Courtney. It will hit theaters on July 1.