'Arrow' season 6 release date, plot news: Deathstroke and Black Canary survive Lian Yu explosion

Featured in the image is Deathstroke from The CW's "Arrow." Facebook/CWArrow

"Arrow" is now on its sixth season and ardent fans have been treated to new footage from the next chapter which spilled news on some survivors from the past finale's fateful explosion.

A new trailer for the upcoming season of "Arrow" was shown to audiences at the San Diego Comic-Con last July 21. The video serves to recount the events of season 5's finale.

Last season, Adrian Chase/Prometheus (Josh Segarra) wanted to teach Oliver Queen/Green Arrow (Stephen Amell) a lesson to so he captured his team including Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards), John Diggle (David Ramsey), Thea Queen (Willa Holland), and placed them in cages on the island of Lian Yu. Unfortunately, Prometheus killed himself, which triggered an explosion on the island, supposedly killing all of Oliver's friends and leaving him devastated.

Fans, however, will be glad to know that some of the survivors were revealed in the new trailer including Dinah Drake/Black Canary (Juliana Harkavy) and former enemy Slade Wilson/Deathstroke (Manu Bennett).

In new footage, Oliver is seen roaming the island in search of survivors when he comes across Slade, who takes off his mask. In another scene, he shakes hands with the man who was once his sworn enemy.

Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum) and Rene Ramirez (Rick Gonzalez) were hinted to be survivors as well after they attended Comic-Con, though producers of the show have not confirmed their returns yet.

In related news, since Prometheus is nowhere in sight at the moment, a new villain will be gracing the screens at some point to challenge Team Arrow. This will be none other than Richard Dragon, a gritty and grounded crime lord.

"Arrow" showrunner Marc Guggenheim told Comicbook, "You know, what I really like about our interpretation of Richard is, he's very grounded. He's not a flamboyant big bad, he doesn't wear a costume, he really is a crimelord."

The season 6 premiere of "Arrow" airs on Thursday, Oct. 12 at 9 p.m. EDT on The CW.