'Arrow' season 3 spoilers: Oliver and Ray team up in episode 19 'Broken Arrow'

A screengrab from the Arrow 3x19 extended promoYouTube/Television Promos

When Ra's Al Ghul makes an offer, he doesn't give them the choice to decline it. Those who do suffer in his hands until they find themselves begging him to grant it to them. This is true for Oliver as he sees the after effects of his repudiation of Ra's offer to take his place as the leader of the League of Assassins.  

Now that Roy Harper is in prison in his attempt to save Ollie's life the way the Arrow saved his, Oliver is determined to get him out of there. In episode 19 titled "Broken Arrow," Ollie finds a way to get Roy back. 

Captain Lance also swears to help him but Roy sternly tells him that "[he] does not need saving." Nevertheless, the captain's determination to capture the real man under the green hood does not falter so Felicity "orders" Oliver to lay low for a bit. That would be easy if it weren't for another rampaging meta-human in the city. 

Jake Simmons who is called Deadbolt for blasting people with energy and plasma to kill them attacks Starling City. And since the Arrow is taking a low-profile, Oliver reluctantly asks help from an unlikely someone, and that is Felicity's supersuit-donning billionaire genius boyfriend Ray. Together, they make a not-so friendly duo to take down Deadbolt. 

Meanwhile, an extended promo shows a sneak peek of all five episodes left in season 3 of "Arrow." In the coming installments leading up to the end of the show's third run, Ray high-fives Oliver marking their official team-up. 

The footage also shows an intimate moment shared by Felicity and Oliver, which every Olicity shipper has wanted to see ever since the latter told the former that she could be more than just an I.T. girl. 

There are also glimpses of Malcolm Merlyn battling some members of the League of Assassins in Nanda Parbat while his daughter, Thea, gets a visit from Ra's Al Ghul. 

Finally, the biggest surprise of all is Al-Saheem, a name Oliver calls himself as he declares being the heir to the demon and there's a woman that viewers will see for the first time in "Arrow." Is the ominous death in "Broken Arrow" that actor Stephen Amell tweeted about earlier pertaining to Oliver and his rebirth? 

Find out on "Arrow" season 3 episode 19 "Broken Arrow," which will air on April 15.