'Arrow' season 4 spoilers: New villain Damian Darkh

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The CW finally unveiled its full TV show schedule for the upcoming fall season. Now, fans can mark Oct. 7 on their calendars for the return of Oliver Queen and his friends in "Arrow" season 4. 

The previous season ended fairly well for Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards). The pair decided to leave Starling City for a little rest and recreation. However, as Arrow is not around to protect the city from the lawless, the place is in a very vulnerable state. 

The show's lead actor said that Oliver is already done being the Arrow. In his past interview with TV Line, Amell said that his character will no longer wear the iconic Arrow costume when the show returns for season 4. 

"Roy outed himself as the Arrow, so if I were to re-create the suit and go out, it would undo all of the sacrifice that he made. So the Arrow persona, for better or for worse, it can't exist anymore," the actor said. 

Does this mean that the young billionaire of Starling City will just change his costume with a green suit, so he can be the Green Arrow?  

Also, there are rumors circulating about the possible introduction of a new villain in season 4. Named Damian Darhk, the mysterious character was constantly mentioned by season 3 baddie Ra's al Ghul (Matt Nable). The latter told Oliver about Damian's betrayal of the League of Assassins to form a new group called H.I.V.E. 

Actor David Ramsey, who portrays the role of John Diggle in the show, described the vicious organization to E!, saying: "From my understanding, H.I.V.E. is going to be a big part of next season's big baddie ... We are going to delve right into why H.I.V.E. hired Deadshot to kill Andy and what H.I.V.E. is all about to begin with. There will be a lot of Diggle's connection to H.I.V.E. next season so stay tuned." 

"Arrow" season 4 is slated to premiere Wednesday, Oct. 7, at 8 p.m. ET.