'Arrow' season 3 spoilers: Team Arrow takes over Starling City in episode 12 'Uprising'

Oliver Queen leads the Team Arrow in Arrow Season 3.Wikipedia

Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) is still missing, but it does not mean that Starling City will be less interesting in the upcoming episodes of "Arrow" season 3. 

In the upcoming episode titled "Uprising," Oliver's friends take over his job as the city's protectors while he is missing in action. Team Arrow members Roy Harper also known as Arsenal (Colton Haynes), Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh), Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) and Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy), led by John Diggle (David Ramsey), try to go after Brick (Vinnie Jones) in episode 13. 

But as Felicity looks for more information that will bind Brick to an unresolved crime that happened two decades ago, she and the rest of the team stumble upon a startling discovery that gives light to the death of Malcolm Merlyn's wife. Unfortunately, Merlyn also finds out about the discovery through the hidden camera meant to spy on the team's actions. Will the Arrow's main antagonist do something about his latest discovery? 

Meanwhile, Diggle's wedding plans with Lyla (Audrey Marie Anderson) may be put on hold because of Oliver's disappearance. 

Ramsey talked about the future of his character in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, saying, "The most pressing thing after Oliver's death is adjusting to Oliver's death. Everything is on hold, even the wedding, because we have to adjust to what we're going to do without Oliver and that takes a while." 

It simply means that his new role as the leader of Team Arrow will require a lot of sacrifices on his part. Could Lyla still wait for Diggle until he sorts out all the tasks needed for Team Arrow? Or should the couple wait until Oliver returns from wherever he currently is to be able to push through with the wedding? 

"Arrow" season 3 episode 12 airs Feb. 4 on The CW.