'Arrow' season 3 spoilers - Team Arrow wages war against Oliver and Malcolm, gives offer they can't refuse in episode 22 'This is Your Sword'

Arrow "This is Your Sword"CW

The penultimate episode of "Arrow" season 3 is coming and it will showcase a violent stand-off between Oliver Queen/Al Sah-Him and Team Arrow. 

Titled "This is Your Sword," the synopsis states that Oliver has completed his training and is now just two tasks away from turning into the next Ra's al Ghul, leader of the League of Assassins. Ra's himself threatens Nyssa and will be revealing something that fans should find quite shocking. No details yet on what Ra's has to unveil.

On the other side of the table, Malcolm Merlin comes to Team Arrow with a surprising offer. Fans have speculated that he could be offering his help and the promotional trailer shows him standing with them as they fight the League of Assassins. 

That photo depicts Laurel as Black Canary, Diggle, Felicity, Malcolm Merlin, and newcomer Tatsu. Tatsu, played by Rila Fukushima, is Maseo's former wife and was previously featured in season 3 flashbacks when Queen was in Hong Kong. Maseo has been seen in action and now it is a pleasant surprise to see Tatsu suit up as well.

In the comic books, Tatsu dons a Samurai-esque costume and goes by the alias "Katana." The costume she is seen wearing in the promotional trailer is a very faithful adaptation of this, with grey and red colors, a white mask, and her iconic katana sword.

While Team Arrow fights Oliver Queen to save his humanity and stop the League of Assassins, Felicty tells Thea that Roy Harper is alive. Thea will be visiting Roy so this will be Roy's last appearance on the show. The actor portraying him, Colton Haynes, has left the show now that his contract has ended.

Roy's departure also allows the general public in Starling City to believe that the vigilante is dead and gone. His departure would give some space for the show to focus on Oliver's redemption and his fight with the League.

"This is Your Sword" is scheduled to air on May 6 2015.