'Arrow' season 3 spoilers: Laurel Lance as new Black Canary, to hook up with Oliver?

In the season 2 finale, Sara Lance hung up her gloves and said goodbye to her alter-ego Black Canary. She gave her black leather jacket to her sister Laurel Lance. Meanwhile, Roy Harper acted as a sidekick to Arrow. So, what's next for Sara, Laurel and Roy in "Arrow" Season 3? And what about Oliver Queen, how will he deal with the loss of his mother and sister?

Entertainment Weekly interviewed the cast of "Arrow" and surprisingly, all of them had some spoilers to share on the upcoming season. Katie Cassidy, who plays Laurel Lance, hinted the possibility that Laurel might be the next Black Canary, since her sister Sara gave it up to join the League of Assassins. But she also says that this will still depend on the writers.

As for Laurel and Oliver's relationship, Cassidy said that Laurel loved Oliver more when "she learned that he's the Arrow." And since the Arrow and Canary are always together, a reconciliation between the two may just be on the horizon.

Colton Haynes also talked about his sidekick role. In the interview, Haynes hinted that Roy may be finally a part of Team Arrow on season 3. However, Roy is an "emotional wreck" because Thea Queen turned her back on him. Haynes further added that "I think he's going to go down a path of lies."

What about Oliver, Stephen Amell shared that Oliver will have it hard emotionally in season 3. He lost his mother and father, now, his sister is going to the dark side. This will be painful for Olie and Thea's choice may be "difficult for him to deal with."

There's so much to wait for in "Arrow" Season 3, especially with Dark Arrow's bigger role in the series. "Arrow" will be back Fall of 2014.