Art competition captures global issues from faith perspective

A new competition launched in Birmingham is asking local people of faith to capture their perspectives of global issues through art.

The Art4Action competition is being run by Faiths Act Birmingham, a division of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation.

The winning entries will go on display at the Midland Art Centre later in the year.

Imandeep Kaur and Steve Hirst, Faiths Act Fellows based in Birmingham, said: “We believe that here in Birmingham, Art 4 Action will allow a diverse community of this great city to express through art their views on global issues.

“[We] invite artists young and young at heart all over the city to get involved.”

The entries will be judged by Iminder Singh, founder of Iminder Arts, who has created a piece called “Saving Souls” that is inspired by his faith and will be auctioned to raise money for malaria eradication projects in Sierra Leone.

“I believe that every human in this world has a right to life and health, and every human who is able, has the duty to help those in need,” he explained.

“One of the very basic principles for spiritual growth is to look at everyone as equal despite colour, caste, creed, religion or social status.

“Helping and providing love to those in need before helping ourselves is something a Sikh must aspire to put into thought and practice wherever possible.

“As part of the Art4Action campaign I have attempted to illustrate these very teaching in this piece – our much-needed effort to saving souls from the clutches of malaria.”

For more information about how to enter, visit: