'Assassin's Creed: Origins' latest trailer news: Gives a glimpse of main story

The promotional poster for the upcoming video game by Ubisoft "Assassin's Creed Origins."Facebook/assassinscreed

Video game developers, Ubisoft, has released the latest trailer for their upcoming game "Assassin's Creed: Origins." Proudly recorded in 4K resolution and displayed in full-high-definition graphics, the new trailer sheds some light regarding the story.

With a female speaker in the background, the trailer released on YouTube takes viewers on a visually stunning tour of ancient Egypt. She talks to the video game's protagonist, Bayek, and explains the nature of a secret group called Order of the Ancients. The group is allegedly responsible for controlling the Pharaoh and giving the main protagonist a difficult life. She urges Bayek to take action against these cunning and enigmatic figures.

According to Flickering Myth, one of the main purposes of the Order of the Ancients is to seize control of the citizens of Egypt, which at the time was experiencing prosperity and superior armies – making it a true superpower of the known world. However, this group prefers scheming behind the curtains as they use the Pharaoh as a puppet to fulfill their selfish and malevolent plans, including neighboring countries Rome and Greece.

During this time, the Templars, which have been the antagonists in the "Assassin's Creed" series for the longest time, do not yet exist. However, according to Screen Rant, the upcoming video game's story could eventually shed some light as to how the Templars came to be, as well as the Assassins. As much as the trailers have been showcasing the revamped gameplay, the storyline looks promising to say the least.

The 4K resolution will only be available on the Xbox One and the PC. No announcements have been made yet for the PlayStation 4 Plus. It is possible that the 4K resolution version for the PS4 Plus could come at a later time, which could be a few months after the game's initial release.

Polygon has pointed out that not much is known about Bayek and his backstory. Even if the trailer confirms that he has somewhat been oppressed, no one really knows much about him and his demeanor as a character. Players will have to be patient, and wait a little bit longer. The good news is that the game will be launched simultaneously on the PS4, Xbox One, and Windows PC on Oct. 27.