'Assassin's Creed' release date, news: Michael Fassbender says film is morally ambiguous

A promotional image for "Assassin's Creed."Facebook/AssassinsCreedMovie

"Assassin's Creed" is going to premiere a few weeks from now, and Michael Fassbender is going to be pulling double duty. Besides playing the lead character, Callum Lynch, he is also one of the film's producers. So, what can viewers expect from the movie?

In an interview with Empire, Fassbender talked about how his character was an anti-hero, and how the film was going to be morally ambiguous. The Assassins may be the protagonists of the film, but Fassbender pointed out that "Assassin's Creed" is not going to be the type of film where viewers can tell who is in the right and who is in the wrong.

"It's not like 'Star Wars,' where you've got the light side and the dark side," he stated.

He added that both the Assassins and the Templar Order have good and bad sides to them, and both sides have questionable intentions.

"There are not clear-cut good and bad characters. I think it's a little more provocative for an audience to see that," Fassbender said.

In an interview with news.com.au, he also revealed that they wanted to make the film look as realistic as possible, so that means more stunts and less special effects.

"It was very important for us to shoot the action sequences with the stuntmen at real live locations and not do it in a carpark or a studio with a green screen. We wanted it to be old-school and we felt that would set it apart from a lot of films — especially nowadays, when it's so much about CGI [computer-generated imagery] and special effects," said the actor.

"Assassin's Creed" is based on Ubisoft's popular video game of the same name. The film will follow career criminal Callum Lynch as relives the memories of his ancestor Aguilar de Nerha (also played by Fassbender).

"Assassin's Creed" is scheduled to premiere on Dec. 21.