Asus Zenfone 2 teaser videos launched before CES 2015 release

Screengrabbed from Asus Zenfone 2 video.YouTube

Asus released a couple of videos to tease gadget users about their soon-to-be unveiled Zenfone 2, which the Taiwanese computer hardware and electronics product manufacturer will showcase at this year's Consumer Electronics Show.

One of the new trailers was posted on the company's official Facebook account, showing what to expect from the new smartphone product line. The first nine-seconder video shows some of the product's external details, including the rear controls that somehow looks similar with those installed on the LG G3. The Taiwanese company, however, chose to move the volume controls of the handset from its original location on the side to the rear part of the device. 

Also, the video zooms to the built-in camera of the handset. It shows a clearer picture of the camera which has a dual LED flash, before the message "See what others can't see" is shown. It could mean that the message is pertaining to the increased flash power of the new Zenfone. The close-up shot of the flash also gives the appearance of a dual lens in the smartphone's camera. 

Then another video was posted by Asus, but this time, the tagline "See what others can't see" is accompanied by several Morse Code dots and dashes set against the brushed metal background. When interpreted, the Morse Code says "optical zoom," which puts an end to all speculations about the soon-to-be released product.

The description also gives away what the upcoming Zenfone 2 is for the company. According to the text, the product is one of the key products that Asus will launch during the CES 2015. 

With these teasers and announcement, it is safe to say that Asus' Zenfone 2 will be launched with an optical zoom during the company's press conference on Jan. 5 at the CES 2015 in Las Vegas.