Audio Bibles Bring God’s Word to Xitshwa People of Mozambique

Christian partnerships in Mozambique are successfully bringing the Gospel to a largely illiterate people group in the country through the use of audio Bibles, reports Mission Network News.

|TOP|Talking Bibles International has teamed up with Cross Connection Outreach to distribute and produce the New Testament for the Xitshwa people of Mozambique.

Luke Rider of CCO said: “There’s approximately 1.7 million people who speak the Xitshwa language.

“The literacy rate in Mozambique is astounding. Basically, nobody reads their mother language.”

Owing to the high illiteracy rate, audio Scripture is vital in bringin the Word of God to the Xitshwa and other peoples in the country.

Mr Rider and others addressed that need by travelling to Mozambique to record the New Testament, with the team networking with local pastors in bringing God’s Word exactly where it is needed.

“The local pastors, they know where we need to take them,” explained Rider. “Talking Bibles are working with the process. YWAM has provided us with technicians to record and the Bible society is encouraging it.”

The New Testament project has been running since last July with distribution already taking place throughout the region.

|QUOTE|“We’ve gotten Bibles there through teams – organising teams to take Bibles through their luggage,” said Rider. “We have about 500 Bibles in the country right now with about 400 in circulation. And, those Bibles are actually in areas where people have never heard of the Word of God before.”

Talking Bibles International and Cross Connection Outreach are aiming to distribute 5,000 Talking Bibles in the Xitshwa language before moving on to another language.

Rider said, however, that more partners were needed to help fund the Talking Bibles, which cost around $30 to get one to the hands of someone in need of it.

He added that the audio Bibles are already having an impact: “The Talking Bible in Mozambique is really a tool that’s helping strengthen the church and also plant chuches. Evangelists are taking them out into communities.”