Austrians march to remember abortion victims

Last week pro-lifers in Austria took part in the first annual "1000 Crosses Funeral March" commemorating unborn children killed by abortion.

Hundreds of marchers gathered at Cathedral Square in Salzburg and where each given a large white cross to carry as they marched peacefully through the city.

When they reached the State Bridge, the marchers threw dozens of roses into the river in remembrance of the lives ended by abortion in Austria.

Marchers then took part in a special "Mass of Atonement" for abortion supporters.

Earlier this year, news stories emerged of hired "escorts" being used by abortion mills to intimidate pro-lifers who try to influence people seeking abortions. According to, incidents of verbal, sexual and psychological abuse by these "escorts" outside abortion mills against pro-lifers has been caught on camera on numerous occasions.

The Austrian Parliament is considering legislation banning pro-life activists from the public property outside abortion clinics, even if their activity is silent prayer, reports