'Avatar 2' update: James Cameron working on making a perfect underwater world for Pandora

Avatar20th Century Fox

Details are scarce when it comes to "Avatar 2." However, new information is expected to trickle in with the production of the much-awaited sequel inching closer and closer. But even now, fans and media outlets continue to talk about what to expect of the movie. 

Fans are two years away from seeing the wonders of Pandora once more in "Avatar 2." But the wait will undoubtedly be worth it, with director James Cameron's grand plans to make it a proper sequel for the original mega successful blockbuster that was released in 2009. 

According to reports, the postponement of the movie was largely due to Cameron preparing a special graphics technology that would allow him to create a stunning representation of Pandora's oceans and underwater splendor. 

Back in 2014, Cameron said during a talk with RTL that "Avatar 2" was still in early stages. He added that the software was being set up, he was working on the script, and the characters and creatures in the world of Pandora and how the place would look like were all being designed. 

During this interview, he assured fans that the sequel is "going to be spectacular. You'll see new worlds, new habitats, new cultures. The primary conflict between the human view kind of dominating nature and the Na'vi view of being integrated into nature is the same, but it manifests itself in very different ways." 

Speaking of conflict, there's word that the film will go with a prison theme. Goksan Ozman, an artist tasked to design the posters for the movie, allegedly stated that the artwork for "Avatar 2" will be championed by that prison theme. Sadly, there are no further details about this aspect, on how it will look like or the creatures it was built to house. 

Additionally, the delay of the second "Avatar" movie is said to be because Cameron is working on three "Avatar" movies at the same time. Apparently, the director is also trying to make "Avatar 3" and "Avatar 4" as he reportedly wants to make them as parallel and connected as possible.

"Avatar 2" is set for a December 2017 release. The two follow-ups are expected to be shown in 2018 and 2019.